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WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants

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Grant Insights

The purpose of the WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants program is to support projects that conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of renewable energy; mitigate conflict risk in areas with a high risk of future water conflict; enable farmers to make additional on-farm improvements in the future, including improvements that may be eligible for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) funding; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to sustainability in the West. Program funds are authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). 

Key Updates U.S. Department of the Interior –  Bureau of Reclamation 
Funding Opportunity
WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants – FY2025 
NOFO Release Date 11/14/2023 
Application Due Date Period 2: 10/30/2024 by 4:00 p.m. MDT via www.Grants.gov 
# of Programs 1. Water Conservation Projects 
2. Renewable Energy Projects 
Total Funding Available  The amount of funding available for awards under this NOFO will depend on the demand for funding under this and other categories of WaterSMART Grants. 
Award Minimum N/A
Award Maximum $5,000,000 (Total Federal funds awarded; does not include cost-share funds) 
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements:

Applicants are required to provide a minimum cost-share of 50% via cash, applicant contributions, or third-party in-kind contributions. 


Applications may include any one, or a combination, of the project types described: 
Water Conservation: Resulting in quantifiable and sustained water savings or improved water management. Eligible projects include:

  • Canal Lining or Piping, resulting in conserved water. 
  • Installing Municipal Meters, resulting in measurable water savings. 
  • Irrigation Flow Measurement that improves measurement accuracy and reduces spills and over-deliveries to irrigators. 
  • Installing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and Automation (SCADA) and/or automation components that provide water savings. 
  • Landscape Irrigation Measures resulting in reduced outdoor water usage.  
  • Installing High-Efficiency Indoor Appliances and Fixtures for water savings. 
  • Retrofitting or Replacing Commercial Cooling Systems to reduce consumptive water use and energy. 

Renewable Energy: Increase the use of renewable energy sources in managing and delivering water and/or projects that upgrade existing water management facilities, resulting in quantifiable and sustained energy generation and/or savings. 

  • Developing new hydropower capacity by installing a new hydropower facility or increasing the capacity of an existing hydropower facility
  • Bringing existing mothballed hydropower capacity back online through facility investment 
  • Installing solar-electric, wind energy, or geothermal power systems (e.g., replacing fossil fuel-powered pumps with renewable energy-based pumps) 
Eligible Applicants

Category A Applicants: 

  • States, Tribes, Irrigation Districts, and Water Districts; 
  • State, Regional, or Local Authorities (the members of which include one or more organizations with water or power delivery authority); and  
  • Other organizations with water or power delivery authority. 

Category B Applicants: 

  • Nonprofit conservation organizations acting in partnership with, and with the agreement of, an entity described in Category A. 
*Multiple applications for funding may be submitted for consideration under this funding opportunity, provided that the project scopes are not duplicative. 
**See Section C.1. Eligible Applicants, of NOFO, for specific project location requirements. 

Special Consideration
  • All applicants are required to propose a method (or “performance measure”) of quantifying the actual benefits of their project once it is completed. Actual benefits: defined as water conserved or better managed, as a direct result of the project. 
  • The costs for preparing and submitting an application, long-term post-construction monitoring, or for the purchase of water or land, or to secure an easement other than a construction easement, are not eligible project costs. 
  • Project awards will be made through grants or cooperative agreements as applicable. If a cooperative agreement is awarded, the recipient should expect Reclamation to have substantial involvement in the project. 
  • Evaluation Criteria includes the extent to which the project demonstrates support for the Presidential Administration’s priorities of Climate Change, serving Disadvantaged or Underserved Communities, and Tribal Benefits. 
  • All applicants and projects must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act (CWA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Davis-Bacon Act and Build America Buy America Act (when necessary recipients may apply for, and DOI may grant, a waiver for the Build America Buy America Act, subject to review by the Made in America Office). 

By request, Reclamation can provide technical assistance after the award of a project; assistance should be discussed with Reclamation staff prior to applying. 
Proposals may be submitted under the following three funding groups: 
Funding Group I: Smaller On-the-Ground Projects – Up to $500,000 
Funding Group II: Larger On-the-Ground Projects – Up to $2,000,000 
Funding Group III: Larger On-the-Ground Projects – Up to $5,000,000 
Funding Group I projects should be completed within two years of award. Funding Group II and III projects should be completed within three years of award. 
Anticipated Award Date: October 31, 2025 

Contact Information

Title: Reclamation Financial Assistance Contact - USBR 
Name: Christina Munoz (application, submission, and award administration) 
Email/phone: bor-sha-fafoa@usbr.gov; and (720) 614-2192 
Title: Reclamation Program Coordinator Contact - USBR 
Name: Josh German (applicant and project eligibility; and application review) 
Email/phone: jgerman@usbr.gov; and (303) 445-2839 
*Please include the NOFO number R24AS00052 in the subject* 

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