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WaterSMART: Environmental Water Resources Projects (EWRP) 

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Grant Insights

The purpose of the WaterSMART: Environmental Water Resources Projects (EWRP) program is to provide funding for water conservation and efficiency projects, water management and infrastructure improvements, and river and watershed restoration projects and nature-based solutions that provide significant ecological benefits, have been developed as part of a collaborative process, and help carry out an established strategy to increase the reliability of water resources. Program funds are authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). 

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) seeks to fund projects that advance the Departmental’s and Presidential Administration’s priorities of combating the climate crisis and environmental justice, water supply reliability, investment equity in disadvantaged or underserved communities, and strengthening Tribal sovereignty. 

Key Updates U.S. Department of the Interior –  Bureau of Reclamation 
Funding Opportunity
WaterSMART: Environmental Water Resources Projects (EWRP) 

NOFO Release Date 04/18/2024 
Application Due Date Period 1: 06/18/2024 by 4:00 p.m. MDT via www.Grants.gov
Period 2: 03/11/2025 by 4:00 p.m. MDT via www.Grants.gov

# of Programs Task A: Ecological-Focused Water Conservation and Efficiency Projects 
Task B: Ecological-Focused Water Management and Infrastructure Improvements 
Task C: Restoration and Nature-Based Solution Projects 
Total Funding Available  The amount of funding available for awards under this NOFO will depend on the demand for funding under this and other WaterSMART programs. 
Award Minimum N/A
Award Maximum General Projects to be completed within three (3) years: $3,000,000 
Watershed Group Projects to be completed within five (5) years: $5,000,000 
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements: Applicant cost-share requirement is 25% or more of the total project costs via cash, costs contributed by the applicant, or third-party in-kind contributions. 
*Other sources of Federal funding may not be counted toward the required cost share. 

Task A: Primary project purpose must be to provide more reliable water supplies for ecological benefits. Activities:

  • Canal lining or piping; irrigation flow measurements; and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) automation. 

Task B: Primary project purpose must be to provide ecological benefits. Activities: 

  • Improving fish passage and hatcheries; water management or infrastructure improvements to improve water supply reliability; and salinity or temperature control projects. 

Task C: Projects must have a clear nexus to water resources or water resources management. Activities: 

  • Restoration of aquatic and riparian habitat; restoration of connectivity between river, floodplains, and wetlands; nature-based solutions; improving water quality and temperature; enhance commercial, recreational, subsistence, or Tribal ceremonial fishing, and river-based recreation; removing invasive species; forest management; fuels management; post-wildland fire restoration. 
Eligible Applicants

Category A Applicants:

  • States, Tribes, Irrigation Districts, and Water Districts;
  • State, Regional, or Local Authorities (the members of which include one or more organizations with water or power delivery authority); and 
  • Other organizations with water or power delivery authority. 

Category B Applicants: 

  • Nonprofit conservation organizations—including watershed groups—acting in partnership with, and with the agreement of, a Category A entity. 

Category C Applicants: 

  • Non-profit conservation organizations submitting an application for a project to implement a nature-based solution on Federal land may submit an application without a Category A partner, if they demonstrate that entities described in Category A from the applicable service area have been notified and do not object to the project. 

*Multiple applications for funding may be submitted for consideration under this funding opportunity, provided that the project scopes are not duplicative. 
**Category A entities are limited to a total of $3,000,000 in Federal funding per Application Period.
Category B applicants may be considered for multiple awards up to a total of $15,000,000 per Application Period, if the Category A partners are different for each project. 

Special Consideration
  • By request, Reclamation can provide technical assistance after the award of a project; technical assistance should be discussed with Reclamation staff prior to applying.
  • Total Project Costs shall not exceed $6,000,000.
  • Project awards will be made through grants or cooperative agreements as applicable to each project. If a cooperative agreement is awarded, the recipient should expect Reclamation to have substantial involvement in the project.
  • All applicants and projects must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and Endangered Species Act (ESA). 

Watershed Groups Definition:

  • Grassroots, non-regulatory entity that addresses water availability and quality issues within the relevant watershed.
  • Capable of promoting the sustainable use of water resources in the watershed.
  • Makes decisions on a consensus basis.
  • Represents a diverse group of stakeholders from different water use sectors, including hydroelectric producers; livestock grazing; timber production; land development; recreation or tourism; irrigated agriculture; the environment; municipal water suppliers, private property owners; Federal, state, and local governments; Tribes; and disadvantaged communities. 
Nature-Based Solutions: Sustainable environmental management practices that weave natural features or processes into the built environment to promote adaptation and resilience. 
Contact Information Title: Reclamation Financial Assistance Contact - USBR 
Name: Alicia James – bor-sha-fafoa@usbr.gov; and (303) 445-3939 
Title: Reclamation Program Coordinator Contact - USBR 
Name: Robin Graber – rgraber@usbr.gov; and (303) 445-2764 

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