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Water Projects Fund Grants

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Grant Insights

The Water Projects Fund Grants—totaling $12 million annually for five years—provide funding for construction, repair, maintenance, or replacement of water-related infrastructure and related construction costs; matching money for grant or loan applications for water-related infrastructure projects; and payment toward certain loan balances. Program funds are authorized through Senate Substitute for HB 2302, a bipartisan bill increasing funding for the State Water Plan Fund.

Key Updates Kansas Water Office (KWO)
Funding Opportunity Water Projects Fund Grants
NOFO Release Date 11/01/2023
Application Due Date 12/29/2023 via KWO’s Website at HB 2302 Grant Programs (ks.gov)
Total Funding Available  $60M
Award Minimum N/A
Award Maximum $8,000,000,
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements: No matching funds are required to be eligible for a Water Projects Fund Grants award.

Eligible Projects and Activities for Water Projects Fund Grants:
· Construction, repair, maintenance, or replacement of water-related infrastructures and any related construction costs
· Matching money for grant or loan applications for water-related infrastructure projects
· Application of the funds to outstanding loan balance from the Public Water Supply Loan Fund or the Kansas Pollution Control Fund subject to certain criteria

Eligible Applicants · Municipalities
· Special districts related to water organized under the Laws of Kansas
Special Consideration Conservation Plan: Projects incorporating a conservation and/or climate change resiliency plan will be prioritized
Timeline: Projects with earlier start dates will be prioritized
Community Factors: Criteria under consideration for municipalities may also include (but will not necessarily be limited to) public health, socioeconomic factors, and the ability for a municipality to repay any loans without grant assistance
Permits: Sufficient assurance of having obtained or being in the process of obtaining all pertinent permits and authorizations, whether local, state, or Federal
Notes The grant application must be submitted through the form posted on the KWO website: HB 2302 Grant Programs (ks.gov)

The KWO will issue payments upon Applicant providing invoices after all necessary Federal, state, and local permits have been acquired, up to 90% of grant amount approved, and the remaining balance will be paid after project/work completion.

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