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Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program

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Grant Insights

The purpose of the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program is to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart city or community technologies and systems in a variety of communities to improve transportation efficiency and safety. The program offers two stages: Stage 1: Planning and Prototyping Grants and Stage 2: Implementation Grants. Program funds are authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

The agency intends to award projects aligned with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) strategic goals of safety, economic strength and global competitiveness, equity, climate and sustainability, transformation, and organizational excellence.

Key Updates U.S. Department of Transportation –
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R)
Funding Opportunity Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants
Program – Pending FY24 Release

NOFO Release Date TBD (FY23 NOFO was released 08/08/2023)
Application Due Date TBD (FY23 Application was due 10/10/2023) via Valid Eval
# of Programs

1. Stage 1 – Planning and Prototyping Grants
2. Stage 2 – Implementation Grants
*The FY23 NOFO solicited applications for Stage 1 grants only. USDOT anticipates that separate SMART Grants Program NOFOs will solicit applications for Stage 2grants in calendar year 2024 as well as for additional Stage 1 grants in calendar year 2024.

Total Funding Available  TBD (FY23 Total was $100,000,000; IIJA/BIL appropriates $100,000,000 annually to the SMART Program through FY26. These levels are subject to change)
Award Minimum TBD (FY23 NOFO minimum award amount for Stage 1: $250,000)
Award Maximum TBD (FY23 NOFO maximum award amount for Stage 1: $2,000,000)
TBD (FY23 NOFO maximum award amount for Stage 2: $15,000,000)
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements:

Cost-share or matching was not required for Stage 1: Planning and Prototyping


Eligible Technology Areas:
· Coordinated Automation
· Connected Vehicles
· Intelligent, Sensor-Based Infrastructure
· Systems Integration
· Commerce Delivery and Logistics
· Leveraging Use of Innovative Aviation Technology
· Smart Grid
· Smart Technology Traffic Signals
Eligible Costs:
Planning; feasibility analyses; revenue forecasting; environmental review; permitting; preliminary engineering and design work; systems development or information technology work; acquisition of real property; construction; reconstruction; rehabilitation; replacement; environmental mitigation; construction contingencies; and acquisition of equipment, including vehicles.

Eligible Applicants
  • States
  • Political Subdivisions of a State
  • Federally Recognized Tribal Government
  • Public Transit Agency or Authority
  • Public Toll Authority
  • Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
  • Group of two or more eligible entities listed above, applying through a single lead applicant (Group Application)
*Collaborative Applications: Eligible entities may collaborate across different regions or geographies on similar projects submitted in separate applications by eligible applicants.
**DOT anticipates that only recipients of Stage 1: Planning and Prototyping Grants will be eligible for Stage 2:Implementation Grants.
Special Consideration

Per IIJA/BIL requirements, of the funds awarded each fiscal year for the SMART Grants Program, the following funding restrictions apply to eligible projects:
· Not more than 40% for projects that primarily benefit large communities
· Not more than 30% for projects that primarily benefit mid-sized communities
· Not more than 30% for projects that primarily benefit rural communities or regional partnerships
· Not more than 3% of a SMART grant, for each fiscal year, may be used to achieve compliance with applicable planning and reporting requirements
· The $100M Total Funding available is split between program stages; approximately $50M for Stage 1 and approximately $50M for Stage 2
*DOT seeks to fund projects that, to the extent possible, target at least 40% of resources and benefits toward disadvantaged communities, to advance the Justice40 Initiative.
**Projects that have not sufficiently considered climate change and environmental justice in their planning, as determined by the DOT, will be required to do so before receiving funds.


Projects must demonstrate at least one eligible technology area and may demonstrate more than one eligible technology area. USDOT will evaluate each application on its merits, and there is no expectation that applications demonstrate more than one technology area.
Successful projects will seek to build sustainable partnerships across sectors and levels of government and collaborate with industry, academia, nonprofits, and other traditional and non-traditional partners. Successful projects will also support the creation of good-paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union.
The SMART Grants Program is a demonstration program. Proposals seeking funding for systems and technologies that are already well-established and broadly adopted will be less competitive.
A list of previously awarded FY22 SMART Program Projects can be found on the USDOT’s website (Tip: enter “FY22 SMART Stage 1 Awards in your search engine):
SMART 2022 | US Department of Transportation

Contact Information Name: Program Staff
Agency: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology(OST-R)
Email: smart@dot.gov
Website: www.transportation.gov/smart(posted answers to common questions)

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