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Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program

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Grant Insights

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program is meant to reduce or eliminate risk of reoccurring flood damage to building and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) aligned with the agency’s 2022-2026 strategic plan—by removing barriers to funding agency programs through a people-first approach, to achieve equitable outcomes for those served, and build a climate-resilient nation. Funding is appropriated through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Key Updates U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Funding Opportunity Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program
FY23 Pending release

NOFO Release Date TBD (FY22 NOFO was released 8/12/2022)
Letter of Intent Due Date None
Application Due Date TBD (FY22 NOFO was due 1/27/2023)
Total Funding Available  $250M
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements: Yes – 25% of the total eligible project costs with non-Federal matching contributions

Project Objectives

FEMA will distribute funds in alignment with the following three (3) priorities:

· Capability and Capacity Building
· Localized Flood Risk Reduction
· Individual Flood Mitigation

Eligible Applicants · States
· U.S. territories
· Tribal governments (Federally recognized)

*Local government entities (cities, counties, towns, special districts) can apply as a subapplicant but must do so through their state, territory, or Federally recognized tribe.
Special Consideration All applicants and subapplicants must be participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and are not withdrawn, on probation, or suspended; they must have a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-approved mitigation plan by the application deadline and at the time of award obligation; and in order to be eligible for technical assistance awards, applicant must have received an award through this program in FY21 of at least $1M. Priority will be given to projects involving properties in areas with higher Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) social vulnerability index scores.
Notes The FY23 NOFO has not yet been released. The information provided is subject to change and will be updated upon release.

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