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Development and Deployment of Innovative Technologies for Concrete Pavements

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Grant Insights

The purpose of the Development and Deployment of Innovative Technologies for Concrete Pavements program is to stimulate, facilitate, and expedite the deployment and rapid adoption of new and innovative technologies relating to the design, specification, production, testing, control, construction, investigation, operation, and impacts of concrete pavements. Funding will support public agencies by helping to increase the knowledge related to concrete pavements and concrete materials. Program funds are authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). 

Key Updates U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –  
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention 
Funding Opportunity
U.S. Department of Transportation –  Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 

NOFO Release Date 04/04/2024 
Application Due Date 05/20/2024 by 11:59 pm ET via www.Grants.gov 
# of Programs

Applicants will support the deployment and rapid adoption, throughout the U.S., of innovative concrete pavement technologies in the following six (6) Work Areas: 
WA #1: The deployment of new, cost-effective designs, materials, recycled materials, and practices to extend the pavement life, performance, and to improve user satisfaction. 

WA #2: The reduction of initial costs and lifecycle costs of pavements—including the costs of new construction, replacement, maintenance, and rehabilitation. 

WA #3: The deployment of accelerated construction techniques to increase safety and reduce construction time and traffic disruption and congestion. 

WA #4: The deployment of engineering design criteria and specifications for new and efficient practices, products, and materials for use in highway pavements. 

WA #5: The deployment of new non-destructive and real-time pavement evaluation technologies and construction techniques. 

WA #6: Effective technology transfer and information dissemination to accelerate implementation of new technologies and to improve life, performance, cost-effectiveness, safety, and user satisfaction. 

Total Funding Available  $5,000,000 
Award Minimum $400,000
Award Maximum $5,000,000 
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements: Applicants must provide at least 20% of the total project costs via, public sector or private sector, in-kind (non-federal) matching contributions. 
Summary Description of Activities and Focus of each Work Area: 

WA #1: The focus of this work area shall begin with the use of innovative, novel construction materials and support public agencies as they begin to evaluate and consider these novel materials for inclusion in their programs. 

WA #2: The focus of this work area shall begin with building upon the “Guide for Reducing the Cradle-to-Gate Carbon Emissions of Paving Grade Concrete,” with Volume 2 focused on strategies beyond Cradle-to-Gate. 

WA #3: This work area shall support the Performance-Centered Concrete Construction (P3C) initiative and can highlight different maintenance of traffic strategies, e.g., overnight, weekend, extended closures, and how they can contribute to sustainability goals while addressing user satisfaction. 

WA #4: This work area could include the development of an updated design methodology for concrete mixtures based on constituent particle size, approximate surface area, aggregate blending, and performance criteria. 

WA #5: The focus of this work area shall include support for the range of test methods referenced in AASHTO R 101, to include resistivity testing, workability evaluation, air evaluation, and strength evaluation. 

WA #6: The focus of this work area begins with hosting FHWA’s Concrete Pavement and Materials Technical Feedback Group (CPM-TFG) and can include collaboration/education related to new standard test methods applicable to public agencies, such as performance standards of pozzolans and carbon sequestration.
Eligible Applicants
  • This funding opportunity is open to all sources. 
    *There is no limitation on the number of applications that may be submitted by a source. 
Special Consideration Once research projects are completed, the FHWA requires assistance in the deployment of the technology—often including items such as, but not limited to: 

  • Marketing; material testing; product demonstration showcases; support of field trials, conference presentations, webinars, workshops, peer exchanges, videos, agency staff-focused technical documents and presentations; and technical assistance to State DOTs and other public agencies constructing, maintaining, and owning Federal-aid highways. 

In addition, the FHWA requires the assistance of an entity with: 

  • Access to a network of engineers, technical experts, and subject matter experts (SMEs) across the United States to successfully carry out tasks, field projects, demonstration projects, and other technical transfer activities that will provide valuable information to improve the performance of concrete pavements for the betterment of the pavement community (e.g., owner agencies, industry, and academia) and the traveling public. 

Evaluation Criteria (i.e. Technical Merit and Cost): 
1. Technical and Management Approach: Adequacy and soundness of technical and management approach to successfully perform the work. 
2. Staffing and Resources: A proposed team that has the necessary technical and management capabilities and expertise and is adequately resourced to perform work successfully and achieve the goals of the Cooperative Agreement. 
3. Experience: Experience relevant to this project and necessary to successfully perform the work of the Cooperative Agreement. 
4. Cost: The budget application will be analyzed to assess cost reasonableness and conformance to applicable cost principles. 
A high-priority focus area of the Agreement will be to advance Performance-Engineered Mixtures (PEM) and Performance-Centered Concrete Construction (P3C). Collaboration with public agencies, industry groups, and the consultant and academic communities are vital to the success of advancing innovative strategies and shall be a consideration in all activities under this Agreement. 

Contact Information Title: Agreement Officer – FHWA (Primary Point of Contact) 
Name: Freida Byrd 
Email/phone: freida.byrd@dot.gov; and (202) 366-6547 
Title: Team Leader – FHWA (Secondary Point of Contact) 
Name: Hector Santamaria 
Email/phone: hector.santamaria@dot.gov; and (202) 493-2402 

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