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Bridge Investment Program (BIP) (Part B): Bridge Project Grants

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Grant Insights

The purpose of the Bridge Investment Program (BIP) (Part B): Bridge Project Grants are to 1) improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges; 2) improve the condition of bridges in the United States by reducing the number of bridges, and total person miles traveled over bridges (a) in poor/fair condition, or (b) that do not meet current design standards or load and traffic requirements. Program funds are authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA),Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP), and Highway Trust Fund (HTF).

The Department of Transportation (DOT) seeks to award projects aligned with BIP Program goals; additional considerations, based on geographic diversity among grant recipients and the need for balance between the necessities of rural and urban communities, will be included in the evaluation process.

Key Updates U.S. Department of Transportation –
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Funding Opportunity Bridge Investment Program(BIP) Grants –
Part B: Planning Grants

NOFO Release Date 12/20/2023
Application Due Date Multiple: 03/19/2024 (FY23-FY24); 11/01/2024(FY25); and 11/01/2025 (FY26)
by 11:59p.m. EST via www.Grants.gov
# of Programs

1. Bridge Project Grants

Total Funding Available  $9,620,000,000 Total available in Fiscal Years 2023 through 2026
Award Minimum $2,500,000
Award Maximum Not more than 80% of the Total Eligible Project Costs
Recipient Cost-Share/Match Requirements:

Applicants must provide at least 20% of the total project costs via non-Federal matching contributions


Eligible Project Types:
· Projects to replace, rehabilitate, preserve, or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) under 23 U.S.C. 144(b)
· A project under the BIP Program includes bridge bundling and culverts(23 U.S.C. 124(a)(1)(B))
Eligible Project Costs: (including, but not limited to)
1. Development Phase Activities - planning, feasibility analyses, revenue forecasting, environmental review, preliminary engineering and design work, and other preconstruction activities,
2. Construction - replacement and preservation, reconstruction, rehabilitation, acquisition of real property, environmental mitigation, construction contingencies, acquisition of equipment, and operational improvements directly related to improving system performance,
3. Bridge Protection Expenses - seismic or scour protection, and
4. Subsidy and Administrative Costs - on the request of an eligible entity carrying out an eligible project to provide to the entity Federal credit assistance under 23 U.S.C. chapter 6 (TIFIA Program).

Additional Eligibility Requirements for BIP Awards:
1. The project is reasonably expected to begin construction no later than 18 months after the date on which BIP funds are obligated for the project.
2. Preliminary engineering is complete for the project.
3. Applicants must address two title 23 U.S.C. requirements: (1) how the bridge will be maintained and (2) accommodations for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Eligible Applicants
  • A State or a group of States
  • Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) with a population over 200,000
  • Unit of Local Government or a group of Local Governments
  • Political Subdivision of a State or Local Government
  • Special Purpose District or a Public Authority with a transportation function
  • Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA)
  • Tribal Government or Consortium of Tribal Governments
  • Multi-State or Multijurisdictional Group of Entities described above
*Joint applications should identify an eligible lead applicant as the primary point of contact (POC) and include descriptions of roles and responsibilities of each applicant, which is to be signed or include a letter of support from each applicant. If selected, the lead applicant will be the recipient of the grant funds and responsible for financial administration of the project.
Special Consideration

Administration Priorities and Departmental Strategic Plan Goals:

1. Safety: Applicants must address how their project provides substantial safety benefits.
2. Climate Change and Sustainability: Applicants must address how the project will consider climate change and environmental justice in the  planning stage and in project delivery.
3. Equity: Applicants must address how their project will include an equity assessment which evaluates whether a project will create proportional impacts  and remove transportation-related disparities to all populations in a project  area.
4. Workforce Development, Job Quality, and Wealth Creation: Applicants must address how their project will create good-paying jobs with free and  fair choice to join a union.


To the extent practicable, applicants should provide supporting data and documentation in a form that is directly verifiable by DOT and publicly available or verifiable.

Applications should demonstrate receipt (or the schedule for anticipated receipt) of all environmental approvals and permits necessary for the project to proceed to construction on the timeline specified in the project schedule.

Contact Information

Name: Angela Jones – FHWA Agreement Specialist 
Email/Phone: BridgeImprovementProgram@dot.gov (preferred); (202) 366-4255 
Name: Hector Santamaria – FHWA Agreement Officer / Team Leader 
Email/Phone: BridgeImprovementProgram@dot.gov (preferred); (202) 493-2402 

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